Jodi and Jason

In case you missed the trail of links that magically appeared on several blogs this morning, here it is:

Almost DiamondsSkepchickGreg Laden's BlogWhitecoat UndergroundTraumatized By TruthMy Fair ScientistNeurotopiaA Blog Around the ClockPharyngula

What it all led up to was a marriage proposal from Jodi Haynes to Jason Thibeault, which would have been a bit of a bummer if he'd said "No", but we're all pleased to hear that he said "Yes!"

A few people seem to be baffled by the business of a pair of proud atheists going through this "marriage" stuff. Isn't that a religious ritual?

No! It's an example of human values and human commitment that has been coopted by religious institutions — just as they want you to think you can't be born and you can't die without an attending parasite from some superstitious dogma, they also want you to believe you can't stand up and declare your love for another person without a holy gatekeeper. No gods intervene, no priests can sanctify, and no government can dictate when two people care enough about each other that they willingly and publicly declare that they have a lasting bond. Nothing else matters.

So good godless congratulations to Jodi and Jason, from one happily married pair of atheists to another.

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