I am happy to see the classics updated

(via io9)

More like this

I need a battalion of these. Only question: do I hold them in reserve for my bid for world conquest, or do I succumb to temptation and use it in the classroom to intimidate the students? (via io9) (Also on FtB)
You can now buy scents on the web that are inspired by HP Lovecraft. For instance, you could get Cthulhu: "A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters." But what if you already smell like that all the time? (via io9)
The future is about being able to float. Dutch lead the way. [via io9]
Via iO9, a gallery of stunning glass viruses by sculptor Luke Jerram, originally from the Guardian. (The one above is swine flu.)