Stupid editorial, stupid poll

Polls are bad enough, but the editorial that went with this one is something else. A group is lobbying to slap a bunch of religious phrases on the US Capitol Visitor's Center, and their rationale is inane.

The engravings will cost less than $100,000 of the center's total $621 million price tag. Fighting this silly lawsuit will probably cost more than the engravings themselves.

One hundred thousand dollars isn't peanuts, and the argument that nobody should oppose them because it will cost even more money is ridiculous — if economy is a concern, then don't vandalize the building in the first place! No engraving costs, no legal expenses, we're all happy.

But this guy hasn't quite hit his stride yet. Let's bring on the tired old "freedom of religion, not freedom from religion" argument.

Let's start by pointing out the First Amendment doesn't grant freedom "from" religion, just freedom "of" religion. It doesn't ban religion, it provides freedom for all so that one denomination doesn't dominate or become the official state religion. Whether you practice a religion or not is up to people's preferences.

No one is forced to worship because they saw the motto on a $20 bill. Or because they recited the Pledge of Allegiance. It's pretty innocuous.

All right, I say this fellow needs to put his money where his mouth is. Let's add "Praise be unto Allah", "No gods, no masters", and "Hail, Xenu!" to the center and to our money — think he'll argue that it is all innocuous then?

Now that he has convinced you of the quality of his arguments, go vote.

Should the national motto, "In God We Trust," be engraved on the Capitol Visitor Center or other government buildings?

Yes: Our motto reflects America's religious heritage and should be displayed.
No: The slogan is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion and should not be used for state purposes. 37.5%

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