Republicans have become certifiably insane

The other day, one of those routine, empty resolutions came up in congress: a Hawaiian representative brought up a nice fluffy little resolution recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood, which contained a collection of whereas's listing notable features of the state. Bland stuff, nothing controversial, except maybe one line, if you're a kook: one of the points of pride is that Hawaii has now contributed a native son to the White House.

Need a kook? Minnesota's own Michele Bachmann stood up to shoulder the honor. She bravely blocked the vote. (The resolution has since been passed.)

I could accept the occasional wacko, even if they do come from my own state, but it goes deeper than that. A huge chunk of the Republican contingent at the capitol is either buying into this 'birther' nonsense, or is so afraid of losing the far right wing vote that they won't speak out against it. This is a hilarious video of Mike Stark interviewing Republican representatives, asking them if they believe Obama was a natural born citizen who could legitimately serve as president…and most of them dodge the question.

These people are nuts.


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