How to save the California Condor

We just have to make the practice of sky burial popular! Maybe this photo set of a Tibetan funeral will help. (WARNING! Those photos show a large flock of vultures stripping a human body of flesh, with the assistance of some helpful Tibetans who break up the larger bones with hatchets. Don't click on the link if you are at all squeamish.)

Boy, those are some happy vultures. I think I'd like to bring a little joy into the life a few carrion-feeders after I die, too.

Ooops, another warning: I'd looked at it with an adblocker, so I hadn't noticed the very in-your-face porn ads on the page, so my apologies. I wouldn't have thought it worth worrying over if it were just pictures of naked people, but ads that treat women like pieces of meat are far more revolting than corpses getting eaten by big birds.

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