Your daily squick

I am not easily grossed out, but this story hit me on a couple of levels.

Ex-porn star Houston says she became so used to marketing her celebrity status that when she got a labiaplasty, it was a no-brainer to encase her labia "trimmings" in lucite and sell them.

Labiaplasty is simply another form of female genital mutilation, so I find that repellent. That women feel compelled to get their genitals sculpted to fit some inappropriate ideal is criminal (the rest of the article at that link talks about how society discards porn stars). And that some sick, sick man has these lumps of flesh displayed on his mantel somewhere … what the heck is wrong with you?

I don't want to know what that guy (and you know it is a guy) is doing with them.

Here, quick, puppies! Think about cute little baby puppies!

Awww, urge to hork fading…fading…gone.


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