Episode LXXIX: American Splendor

Harvey Pekar would have fit right into the undendingly discursive thread, and now it'll never happen.

Just think what he would have said about PepsiCo.

(Current totals: 10,597 entries with 1,053,074 comments.)

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I knew it would come to this. Now the indefatiguable thread is about porn stars. Let's see how long you can keep it up (she said). You can talk about other things, too, you know. (Current totals: 10,348 entries with 1,012,682 comments.)
The well-endowed thread* respawns, and a new terror arises: a brutal threat to crackers everywhere. (Current totals: 10,588 entries with 1,051,004 comments.) *Don't blame me, that's the main topic right now.
Sven seemed to think it a fine idea to launch everyone into space in the last iteration of the cosmic thread, and who am I to argue? Zoooooom! (Current totals: 10,392 entries with 1,018,300 comments.)
Don't say I never do you any favors, acolytes of the endless thread. I'm about to spare you the need to see the latest cheap, unimaginative Hollywood dreck to hit the theaters by showing you the ending of the new Yogi Bear movie. Bring the kids around, tell 'em to see what the new kiddie movie is…