Episode LXXXI: There are treasures inside!

I have reset the wildly mutating thread to leap upon the latest internet craze!

I'm on a horse.

(Current totals: 10,638 entries with 1,059,133 comments.)

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I'm home convalescing, but the unstoppable thread waits for no one. So here's a reset and a little thank you: (Current totals: 10,892 entries with 1,103,068 comments.)
Yeesh, you've dragged me onto the internet to update the nagging thread again, despite the work piled up around me and the ickiness I'm feeling from all these new meds I'm soaking in. Now back to recuperating and writing. (Current totals: 10,918 entries with 1,108,155 comments.)
Don't worry, it's not such a big deal, as the thread of infinite lives and this video demonstrates. (Current totals: 12,133 entries with 1,326,356 comments.)
I have been disastrously distracted, and the thread to end all threads is overdue for a reset. Contemplate this: a 23 year old Steve Jobs about to appear on television…and he's nervous. If only I felt nauseous before my talks, maybe I'd be a billionaire today. Isn't that how causality works? (…