Scientology's new enemy: Twitter

John Dixon is a councillor in Wales who, a year ago, and one day he wrote this on twitter:

I didn't know the Scientologists had a church on Tottenham Court Road. Just hurried past in case the stupid rubs off.

Oh, deary me. What a blistering attack, what an in-your-face, vicious, horrible, bloody, nasty bit of savagery that was. Surely it fully warrants the Church of Scientology making an official complaint and trying to get him fired? The church claims that being called "stupid" "impinges on the right to religious freedom".

No, it doesn't. Everyone has a right to believe in stupid things, and everyone has a right to call them stupid.

If you're on Twitter, practice your right to free speech and join in the fun: use the tag "#stupidscientology". It's Streisand effect time!

(Uh-oh. I'm being a dick again, aren't I?)

(via Jack of Kent)


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