Newt Gingrich on gay marriage

Newt Gingrich, the man who told his wife he was leaving her as she lay in a hospital bed sick with cancer, has declared that "overturning Prop 8 is an outrageous disrespect for our Constitution and for the majority of people of the United States who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife" on his website. Unfortunately for him, he left comments open, and is on the receiving end of a lot of contempt for his hypocrisy.

My favorite so far is "Which one of your multiple marriages was the most sacred to you?".

I'm also rather peeved that Gingrich's website has the url of He has deprived some worthy member of the Salamandridae of a good and memorable web address! Not to mention the dishonor he's already brought to the good name of the Pleurodelinae. I can't believe that guy is mumbling about running for president again — I'd rather see a real mud puppy in the office.

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