Will the denizens of the busy busy thread appreciate a lecture about pungent body odors? Sure, let's try it and see.
(Current totals: 11,152 entries with 1,150,589 comments.)
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Look up, all you denizens of the twisty little thread, and think about…astrobiology!
(Current totals: 11,637 entries with 1,234,909 comments.)
Will some cheerleaders cheer up the thread a-gogo? Or will the denizens focus their hatred on me?
(Current totals: 11,356 entries with 1,185,115 comments.)
Heed ZDoggMD, all you denizens of the endless thread, and vaccinate!
(Current totals: 11,946 entries with 1,294,946 comments.)
You'll want to watch this a few times, denizens of the thread infinitely prolonged — it's subtle and potent.
(Current totals: 11,739 entries with 1,253,343 comments.)