Bad Faith awards

The New Humanist is handing out an award for the most egregious contributions to irrationalism and superstition, the Bad Faith awards, and you can vote! This is going to be a tough one, because every one of the nominees deserves an acknowledgment of their inanity.

It does have a bit of an English bent, so you might be unfamiliar with some of the names…but the voting page also has a brief description of each person's crime against reason.

Lauren Booth 7.33% (25 votes)

Prince Charles 9.09% (31 votes)

Pastor Terry Jones 9.09% (31 votes)

Cardinal Walter Kasper 4.69% (16 votes)

Sheikh Maulana Abu Sayeed 18.18% (62 votes)

Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi 15.25% (52 votes)

Baroness Warsi 20.53% (70 votes)

Ann Widdecombe 15.84% (54 votes)

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