Since the last episode of the thread for obsessive conversationalists was all about that Christian obsession with calling Hitler an atheist, here's another one: religious dupes lying about Einstein to make it sound like he was on their side.
Einstein never said the words they're putting in his mouth, and it's a bogus argument to begin with.
(Current totals: 11,352 entries with 1,183,778 comments.)
More like this
I'm doing some morning travel today, and won't be able to access the interwebberies until this afternoon, so I'm closing the perpetual thread instance a little bit prematurely — this never happens, he said.
To compensate for the horrible awful stinky video in the previous thread, here's something…
They're getting hard to keep track of — but they do provide fodder for the thread full of fierce heathens.
(Current totals: 11,914 entries with 1,287,918 comments.)
Forgive the neglect lately, but I'm a) distracted by the chaos that is Skepticon, and b) mildly enfreakened out by the fact that my talk is still not ready for prime time, and I have to give it in a few hours. So now I see that the thread of perpetual growth is getting overlong, despite the fact…
The content of the preternaturally miscellaneous thread is random, so I think I can open them with random weirdness. So this is what they're wearing in London now?
(Current totals: 11,046 entries with 1,131,158 comments.)