It was a long day and a late evening yesterday at Primer Coloquio Mexicano de Ateísmo, and today I plan on doing some sightseeing in Mexico City. I also met a lot of Mexican atheists and skeptics and scientists yesterday, and some of them have blogs and podcasts…so here, Spanish speakers, is a list of excellent sites you ought to add to your regular reading list:
Pócimas, cocciones y brebajes. Una bitácora electrónica que pretende ser filtro de amor a la ciencia, y un bálsamo contra sus enemigos.
La Ciencia por Gusto. Versión ampliada de la columna semanal divulgación cientÃfica de Martíln Bonfil Olivera, de la Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia, de la UNAM, que aparece los miércoles en el periódico mexicano Milenio Diario.
Masa Crítica. El podcast Ateo.
Un Papá Escéptico. La Ciencia Salva!
Espeja Escéptic. Simplemente, Observando al Mundo.
I've also learned that the convention was held near a public square where the Inquisition used to burn heretics. Isn't it sweet to consider that every one of the people above would have been dragged out, tied to a stake, and set on fire once upon a time? There is progress!
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