Non-breeding behavior must be punished

Prime Minister Raila Odinga of Kenya has called for the arrest of all gay couples in the country. He's probably been listening to the American Christian evangelicals who've been busily poisoning Africa for the last century or so — the West has been such a blight on that continent for so long. Anyway, what's interesting is his rationale for outlawing gays — anti-gay ideology goes hand-in-hand with a dismissive view of women.

The premier thrilled the crowd in a largely conservative country when he asserted that the country's recent census showed there were more women than men and there was no need for same sex relationships.

He termed it "madness" for a man to fall in love with another man while there were "plenty of women" and added that there was no need for women to engage in lesbianism "yet they can bear children".

It's naked patriarchal thinking all the way down. There are enough women for all the men, therefore the men should have sex with them. That there are more women than men should imply that the excess women (from this point of view, of course, all women beyond what are needed to service the men are "excess") ought to be free to be lesbians, but no — they all have a job to do. They must be made pregnant.

It's as if there is only one reason that human beings would associate with one another, and that is procreation, and there is one purpose for women, and that is to bear men's children, and in this blinkered view of the human species, recreational intercourse of all sorts is alien and non-productive. In that sense, unfortunately, most of the activities of civilization are also alien to these crazy blind people.


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