It's a strange phobia

The latest xkcd is an odd one. I know some people freak out a teeny tiny bit at the thought, but it never bothers me.


I'm a first child, and I calculated back when I was conceived, and estimate that it was almost exactly the day of my parents' wedding — which was an elopement. The two of them ran off at a young age to Idaho where they didn't need to get parental permission to marry, and right away they had me. I find that wonderfully romantic and have always had the knowledge that my parents loved each other very much (and were also a bit crazy and impetuous and careless…well, and also loved kids a lot). The squeamishness about parental sex has always seemed a bit weird to me — don't people want their parents to be happy?

Of course, I don't want to know the details, OK? That's personal and private and should remain between the participants, no voyeurs allowed.

And I definitely don't want to know about my kids' sex life. I just want them to have a happy one, and that's enough knowledge for me.

Hmmm…maybe that's the root of the fastidiousness—a concern for the privacy of the individuals involved?

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