We have our own barbarian subculture

An Arizona Democrat, Representative Gabrielle Giffords, has been shot and possibly killed by an assassin armed with an automatic weapon. Her offices had earlier been targeted for vandalism for her support of health care reform.

Isn't it amazing that health care reform has become such a polarizing issue, and that the people who are raging the loudest are those who would benefit the most?

I'll take a wild guess here. The scumbag who committed this crime has been caught; I'll bet he'll turn out to be a Teabagger who listens to a lot of AM talk radio.

Holy crap. This was Sarah Palin's idea of a clever campaign earlier this year: she had select Democrats, including Gabrielle Giffords, targeted with a gunsight symbol.


What a vile creature. Perhaps she ought to consider not inciting the deranged assholes who follow her.

And that's not all.

(via Firedoglake)

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