
Some gomer has set up a website about prayer with a subsection dedicated to an experiment: they're going to pray for PZ Myers. They're rather vague about what they're praying for, which I guess is tactically useful, since if I stay healthy or drop dead they can then claim success either way. I'm also going to confound their experiment since I'm going to tell everyone to not Pray4PZ, and since their site traffic is so minuscule, I'm going to overwhelm their results.

They also have a post titled "Can PZ Myers be reasoned with?", which is amusing — I guess the prayer effort wasn't doing much, so they had to resort to reason, and they even do that ineffectively.

They've also got an online poll, and I'm embarrassed to point it out. The subject is me again, it was set up 11 months ago, and it has received ONE vote so far. That's just sad.

poll: Is PZ Myers the AntiChrist?

No. Obama is. : (0 votes)
No. Pat Robertson is. : (0 votes)
No. Someone else is. : (0 votes)
No. He doesn't claim to be God. : (1 votes)
100 %
YES! YES! YES! : (0 votes)
I don't know. : (0 votes)
Other answer: : (0 votes)

There's a lesson here. I guess I'm not Kim Kardashian, and just dropping my name won't make you popular and draw in lots of meaningless interest.

Now if one of the Kardashians was on that poll…

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