Reproduction in Ireland

It's all very confusing, and I'm not quite sure how they managed all these years…all those Irish children must have been the product of some amusing and peculiar accidents. At least the quacks are profiting from the confusion — here, for instance, is a mysterious bottle of an over-the-counter "organic" menopause relief remedy.


It's the limitation that is the stumper: "Do not use if pregnant." Are there many women bumbling about in the pharmacy thinking that they need to be relieved of this problem of menopause?

And then there's this headline, "I'd lost my baby then somehow fell pregnant thanks to acupuncture". There are clear and unambiguous causes of pregnancy — "somehow" isn't usually a word associated with the process — and, well, acupuncture isn't any of them. Although I suppose it could be an insulting reference to her partner's penis size.

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