I must be doing it wrong

I'm teaching human physiology this term, and those of you who have done it or taken it know that this kind of course is a strain to get through the huge volume of material. I think I must simply be a horrible teacher, though, because here's an
online physiology course that does a much better job than I do.

Here's Your Chance To Skip The Struggle
and Master Human Anatomy & Physiology
In 3 Days Or Less... 100% Guaranteed

Wow. And guess what…it's a $1985.00 value, available now for a limited-time only for the low, low price of only $37. And it's been shown on the Martha Stewart show!

If that's not enough for you, it has testimonials.

This might just be the best investment in my career as a chiropractor I've made in a long time.

I'm sold. Maybe I should just plunk down my $37 now and photocopy the images, hand 'em out in class, and be done with the whole course before spring break, and then I can spend the rest of the semester sipping pina coladas while loafing about in my underwear.

I noticed something disturbing. The CDs are illustrated with one photo and signature of Dr Ross, but the ad copy on the web has a different photo and signature of Dr Ross.


What have you done with the real Dr Ross, you bastards?

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