The Tea Party isn't racist, no sir.

This email from Tea Party Nation clearly shows their true egalitarian nature.

What is keeping America's fertility rate up are immigrants - both legal and illegal. There are those in America who are continuously attacking the family, bent on redefining marriage and have established anti-family government programs. This has led to downward pressure on our national total fertility rate. All of these actions are done in the name of various causes such as: reducing unwanted pregnancies, delaying child bearing to further career goals and even promoting childlessness and promoting adoption as a better option. Child bearing has become something distasteful to many women, an unwanted and painful experience to be avoided rather than embraced. All of these programs, ideals and ideologies are doing one thing and one thing only - reducing America core TFR to the point of no return. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) population in America is headed for extinction and with it our economy, well-being and survival as a uniquely America culture. This county is dying not because it is aging, it is dying because of infertility as public policy.

See? It's just that white people are the only ones who can be truly American.

I have a suggestion to help fix those problems: those reluctant upper-class white parents already farm out the housekeeping and childcare to illegal aliens, we just have to push back the responsibilities a little further, and make little brown foreigners use their uteruses to carry little white children, letting them do the 'distasteful' work. Manuring the landscaping, slaughtering chickens, harvesting the fruit, and now plopping out the babies…same difference, just another dirty job.


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