Dead scientists are the best advocates for religion

Tennessee legislators are debating the addition of creationism to their science curriculum, and apparently they've run out of reasonable excuses, so Redumblican Frank Nicely dragged in the corpse of Albert Einstein, stuck his hand up his bony thorax, and rattled his jawbone to make a speech.

I think that if there's one thing that everyone in this room could agree on, that would be that Albert Einstein was a critical thinker. He was a scientist. I think that we probably could agree that Albert Einstein was smarter than any of our science teachers in our high schools or colleges. And Albert Einstein said that a little knowledge would turn your head toward atheism, while a broader knowledge would turn your head toward Christianity.

No, he didn't say that. Einstein was a secular Jew.

But wait! He needs to quote more authorities! At least this one isn't dead yet.

Now I want to quote one other person: Thomas Sowell. In my opinion, the smartest man in America today. I've read him for twenty years. He's a genius, and he is a critical thinker. And he says, why in our colleges and in our high school, why do we spend so much time arguing two theories, the theory of creationism and the theory of evolution, when neither side can prove without a doubt that they are right, when there are so many cold hard facts that our children need to know that we could be spending that time teaching? So if I was a teacher, I would teach them both as theories, and let the child as he grows up make up his own mind. And I'd spend my time teaching them cold hard facts like two and two is four and pi r squared.

Creationism is not a theory, and has been refuted by the evidence. Evolution is made up of cold hard facts. I guess Thomas Sowell isn't so bright after all.

Isn't it cool how creationists can just make up any ol' damned story and get away with it?

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