This is a game Obama cannot win

The president has announced that he has an American birth certificate, like this was really an issue. If he thought this would end the yammering inanity, he was mistaken.

Donald Trump is preening.

He should have done it a long time ago. I am really honored to play such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue.

Playing the role of a prancing moron who promoted the issue is nothing to be proud of, Donny.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are playing a game of pretending they didn't never call Obama's parentage into question, no how.

In a statement after Obama spoke, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called the issue a distraction — and yet blamed Obama for playing campaign politics by addressing it.

"The president ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy," Priebus said. "Unfortunately his campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority — our economy."

A Republican…chastising someone else for not being serious? Watcha gonna do, gomer, fix the economy by shutting down Planned Parenthood, praying, and giving rich people more tax breaks? Yeah, that's serious.

I agree that Obama shouldn't have wasted his time with this nonsense. Besides, you know that wingnuts are next going to argue that his birth certificate is a high-tech fake cobbled up by the geniuses at the NSA. Conspiracy theories simply do not die when presented with evidence — they absorb the evidence and claim that it's further evidence of an even more elaborate conspiracy.


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