Episode CCI: This one is a metaphor

A metaphor for the conversations in the Endless Thread, that is.

(Current totals: 12,297 entries with 1,358,694 comments.)

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If I converted to Spaceology, would you all mind if I turned the endless thread into my personal ashram? (Current totals: 12,156 entries with 1,331,434 comments.)
Mary and I are on the way home; McCarran Airport has free wi-fi; and I notice that the Endless Thread is full. So, yay, fast update just before I get on an airplane. (Current totals: 12,737 entries with 1,437,530 comments.)
All the cool kids in the endless thread were talking about the versatile uses of the phrase "in my pants", so I have to join in and ruin the whole party. (Current totals: 12,081 entries with 1,316,661 comments.)
You know what I ought to do? I ought to start every iteration of the endless thread with Neil Patrick Harris singing. Because he is awesome. I don't need to ask if everyone already has a copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, do I? (Current totals: 12,098 entries with 1,319,797 comments.)