This has to be our new selling point

It's a great lead: Atheists have better sex. Sign me up already.

Put it on billboards, too.

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The atheists put up billboards, the Christians put up billboards. What's the difference? One small difference can be found in this story about new pro-theocracy ads going up in Florida. The billboards showcase quotes from early American leaders like John Adams, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin.…
American Atheists is sponsoring banners to fly over select areas in 26 states to celebrate the Fourth of July. The banners read: God-LESS America -- and Atheism is Patriotic - These are perfectly pleasant, inoffensive messages — that Silverman guy is such a timid,…
The Journal's Cynthia Crossen gives an overview of political battles surrounding billboard advertising today. An interesting read, in part because billboard advertising lobbyists have been pretty shameless in their political advocacy. I remember that when I lived in Georgia, they wanted to lop…
In reaction to the Freedom from Religion Foundation's billboards, FoxNews asks, "What's your reaction to the 'Imagine No Religion' billboards?". Unfortunately, you only get your choice of two poor answers: "I'm not offended…it's free speech" and "I'm offended…America needs religion". What about "I'…