Dublin World Atheist Conference

I've been bad. I've been busy. I'm at this conference, and the combination of bad wifi (I can't get connected in my room at all) and constant distractions means I haven't been keeping you updated here. Fortunately, Rorschach is here and has been blogging away while I can't, so I can just cheat and link to him.

The Muslims have invaded. They don't have much stamina. They were there for Richard Dawkins' session yesterday, asked a stupid question, and since have retired to a table outside, where they peddle bad literature that looks like clones of Christian creationist nonsense.

I gave a talk today. It was self-confessedly ranty.

There was a women in atheism panel. It caused some seething fury in the audience from the American participants: it seems European women face less discrimination than American women, so it came off as an unfortunately privileged discussion, in which women should just work hard and equality will come naturally.

The communicating atheism discussion was fun. Aron Ra was impressive, Rebecca Watson was fabulously indignant and persuasive about the specific problems women atheist speakers face.

I think I have to go crawl around some pubs tonight. Rorschach is going to go, too, so you'll just have to go without further information until I get back. And recover.

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