First that comes to mind is, I think NASA needs to get its ass in gear, it needs to get its priorities (and consequently, funding,) straightened out.
Science, being as universal as, well, the UNIVERSE, should also be a universal opportunity in society. I say start bridging that socioeconomic gap, with some of those programs to improve basic primary/secondary education in STEM fields.
And definitely stop banning research, period.
Work to make environmental efforts an apolitical issue (assuming ANY issue can be apolitical..)
Use science to help improve all that "Third World" shit—if Western society solved it so long ago, there is no reason we should let others continue to suffer.
There is a mountain of issues that can be improved upon, and the biggest improvement that will make it easier for all the individual issues is to banish forever the anti-intellectualism that so stymied it in the first place. Once our society becomes more open to science again, things will start to go better.
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