Environment and Humanities & Social Science Weekly Channel Highlights

In this post: the large versions of the Environment and Humanities & Social Science channel photos, comments from readers, and the best posts of the week!


Environment. From Flickr, by Jam Adams


Humanities & Social Science. From Flickr, by jcheng

Reader comments of the week:

On the Environment channel, Benjamin Cohen of The World's Fair links to an article in The Gospel of Consumption which describes how our current culture of consumerism was driven by manufacturing giants in the early 20th century. According to the article's authors, such an excessive emphasis on production is not needed—is counterproductive, even—in the age of technology.

Reader Metro relates how his own occupational experience has given him insight into exactly how excessive we've become:

The picture resonates deeply with me. I used to work in garbage--literally. Used to collect it from the curb. Often we would find brand-new cell phones, still in the box, latest model. My cohort explained that people get comfy with their current model, and all they want to do is get a new service contract. But the service companies always throw in a free phone.

If everyone did a turn slinging trash cans I guarantee you that a lot of people would rethink their consumption.

Err, did any of those happen to be Verizon compatible?

In Science (sort of) in summer movies, Brian Switek of Laelaps talks about a spate of recent flicks with scientists as prominent characters, and asks whether such films influence public perception of scientists.

Reader Peter Bond has nothing but praise for the latest batch:

scientists-in-movies bring the focus of science to children. Children who become interested in science and then go on to choose a life in science (scientist, teacher, artist, etc..)
Also, hero-scientists are much better than crazed, evil mad scientists!

Well, yeah...

Some other Environment posts we thought were cool this week were:

I Choose Sharks Over Cigarettes

74% of GOP Congress Members Reject Climate Science


The geological map is a work of art in itself.

Venter's Bug To Save the World

And from the Humanities & Social Science channel:

The Benefits of Failure and The Value of Imagination

Science mortification: how have you been humiliated in the name of science?

Dog Detectorists

Grammar wars in Queensland

Attenborough Speaks of Life and Science

Look for highlights from other channels coming up!


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