Today in Science

February 14th

1468 - Birth of Johann Werner, German mathematician

1848 - Birth of Benjamin Baillaud, French astronomer

1869 - Birth of Charles Wilson, Scottish physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate

1894 - Death of Eugène Charles Catalan, Belgian mathematician

1898 - Birth of Fritz Zwicky, Swiss-American physicist and astronomer

1917 - Birth of Herbert A. Hauptman, American mathematician and Nobel Prize Laureate

1943 - Death of David Hilbert, German mathematician

1946 - ENIAC ("Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer"), the first general-purpose electronic computer, unveiled at the University of Pennsylvania.

1961 - Lawrencium is first synthesized at the University of California.

1975 - Death of Julian Huxley, British biologist

1989 - The first of 24 satellites of the Global Positioning System is placed into orbit.

2000 - The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker enters orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid.

2003 - Death of Dolly the sheep, first cloned mammal

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Events 1961 - Lawrencium is first synthesized at the University of California. 2000 - NEAR Shoemaker enters orbit around asteroid 433 Eros, the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid. Births 1848 - Benjamin Baillaud, French astronomer 1869 - Charles Wilson, Scottish physicist and Nobel Prize…
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Events 2001 - NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft touchdown in the "saddle" region of 433 Eros becoming the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid. Births 1637 - Jan Swammerdam, Dutch scientist 1665 - Rudolf Jakob Camerarius, German botanist and physician 1785 - Pierre Louis Dulong, French physicist 1804…