Today in Science

March 11th

1811 - Birth of Urbain Le Verrier, French mathematician

1822 - Birth of Joseph Louis François Bertrand, French mathematician

1870 - Birth of Louis Bachelier, French mathematician

1880 - Birth of Harry H. Laughlin, American eugenecist

1910 - Birth of Robert Havemann, German chemist

1920 - Death of Julio Garavito Armero, Colombian astronomer

1915 - Birth of JCR Licklider, computer scientist and internet pioneer

1955 - Death of Alexander Fleming, Scottish scientist, Nobel laureate

1920 - Birth of Nicolaas Bloembergen, Dutch physicist, Nobel laureate

1921 - Birth of Frank Harary, American mathematician

1977 - Death of Ulysses S. Grant IV, American geologist

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