And so it begins ...

Tomorrow is the first day of classes here at ASU and promises to begin a rather hectic week as everything slowly comes together. I’m down to teach two courses - one section of my Darwinian Revolution course (100 student lecture course), and two of the Human Event (Science Focus), a Socratic seminar. Follow the links if you want to know more.

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The semester formally starts tomorrow. As usual, I’m teaching three courses - two sections (19 students each) of The Human Event, our "great books" seminar, and one lecture course (115 students), Origins, Evolution and Creation. I’ve also got one student finishing her honors thesis. The big…
Steve Gimbel has a provocative post that suggests the costs of undergraduate lab classes may outweigh the benefits. Quoth Steve: [E]verything I know about physics, I learned from my theory classes. You see, science classes come in two flavors. There are theory classes where a prof stands in front…
Ah, the start of another semester. That exciting time of the year when you meet new students, make new goals, and invariably curse at the copy machine as it refuses to churn out syllabi for you. Such is mid-January in academia. Or rather it will be on Tuesday. That's when it all kicks off here at…
There's an article in Access (the glossy magazine put out by our School of Journalism and Mass Communication) about why so few of our students manage to get their degrees in four years. Part of it has to do with the fact that most of our students work -- many the equivalent of full time (or more…