Today in Science (0105)


1896 - An Austrian newspaper reports that Wilhelm Roentgen has discovered a type of radiation later known as X-rays.

1972 - Richard Nixon orders the development of a space shuttle program.

2005 - Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered.


1865 - Julio Garavito Armero, Colombian astronomer

1874 - Joseph Erlanger, American physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate

1879 - Hans Eppinger, Austrian physician

1906 - Kathleen Kenyon, English archaeologist


1904 - Karl Alfred von Zittel, German palaeontologist

1922 - Ernest Shackleton, Irish explorer

1970 - Max Born, German physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

1981 - Harold C. Urey, American chemist and Nobel Prize laureate

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