Today in Science (0106)



1838 - Samuel Morse first successfully tests the electrical telegraph.


1714 - Percivall Pott, English physician

1795 - Anselme Payen, French chemist

1822 - Heinrich Schliemann, German archaeologist

1920 - John Maynard Smith, English biologist

1932 - Stuart A. Rice, American chemist

1944 - Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Swiss immunologist and Nobel Prize laureate


1689 - Seth Ward, English mathematician and astronomer

1731 - Ãtienne François Geoffroy, French chemist

1884 - Gregor Johann Mendel, Austrian geneticist (above)

1945 - Vladimir Vernadsky, Russian mineralogist

1990 - Pavel Alekseyevich Äerenkov, Russian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate

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