Workshop opportunities: building strong geoscience departments, early-career faculty, and future faculty

Earth is going to be here for the foreseeable future. Will there be geoscientists to help everyone else figure out how to deal with it?

The people who organize the Cutting Edge geoscience teaching workshops have another set of workshops, aimed at helping geoscience departments figure out how to grow and stay vibrant. This is particularly challenging for the geosciences, because we're on both sides of environmental issues. Our majors might end up looking for oil and gas or for ore deposits, or might monitor and clean up pollution. Our departments are also the place where college students learn about climate change. That flexibility should be a strength, but it often isn't - and when colleges and universities think about unnecessary programs, we're vulnerable.

Workshop details and deadlines are under the fold.

Strengthening Your Geoscience Program: A Practical Workshop with Ideas and Examples June 2-4, 2009 College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Application Deadline: April 3, 2009

This workshop will provide an opportunity to focus on how to strengthen your geoscience program. We will draw on strategies and examples from past workshops to develop practical solutions to the challenges facing participants' departments. Workshop sessions will focus on topics addressed in previous workshops and on areas of high interest to participants such as student recruitment, curriculum, co-curricular programs, preparing the geoscience workforce, program assessment, and departmental leadership and management. The program will also include discussions of how colleges and universities in a region might work together.

More info, including applications, at the workshop website.

Deadlines for two Cutting Edge workshops are also coming up:

Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career
June 14-18, College of William and Mary
Application deadline: March 11, 2009

Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences: Workshop for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
July 16-19, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Application deadline: March 18, 2009


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