
tags: americans, ignorance, stupid, uneducated, Bill Maher, comedy, humor, beliefs, television, education, streaming video "This country is like a college chick after two long island iced teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care," says Bill Maher. "We should forget town halls and replace them with study halls."
tags: British, Americans, funny things that people say, humor, funny, comedy, offbeat, cultural observation, television, streaming video Here's an amusing list of the top ten funny things that Americans say to Brits, as said by Stephen Fry Ricky Gervais (this is posted in honor of my spouse, who is British, who is celebrating his birdday today);
Good news for science from... the Vatican? No joke. Father Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory and chief astronomer for the Pope, has just issued a public statement stating the following things: Intelligent beings could exist in outer space. Life on Mars cannot be ruled out. The search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict belief in God. Next year, the Vatican is organizing a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. Whoa. And whoa's wobbly cousin, woah. Did I just step into the 21st century? After my post last week on what Americans…
Are we becoming a nation of pajama-wearing web-surfing loners? (Orphaned image). Zogby International and 463 Communications recently polled 9,743 Americans online regarding their attitude towards the internet. They found that a significant minority of equal numbers of men and women would consider the internet to be a surrogate significant other: 31% of single political progressives and 18% of single political conservatives felt this way. Wow, amazing, huh? I didn't know that so many Americans found 3.5 inch floppies so attractive! But weirdly, only 11% of Americans said they would implant…