Carrie Fisher

A few days ago I posted this item asking if it was really true that more celebrities have died this year than usual. That post went viral, so of course, the famous Doug McIntyre (who is, by the way, originally from Minnetonka, Minnesota) asked me to join him on KABC, McIntyre in the Morning, an LA based drive time radio show, 790 on your dial. We had an interesting conversation, along with Randy Wang, and here it is: [audio mp3="…"][/audio]
You have already heard the sad news that Carrie Fisher had died, at a young age, after suffering one or more heart attacks. To honor her, you are probably going to go watch some old Star Wars movies. But I have a different suggestion. The woman was a prolific and accomplished author (and more) and there is a good chance that she's written at least one book you've not read, if not several. That's what I'm going to do. I'll make a list of her books, pick one, and read it. But, since I'm a blogger, I figure, why not let you benefit from my efforts and see the list? If I've left anything off or…