The physics of music is a greater way to appreciate music. This booth sounds quite interesting. Thanks CAS for helping get the word out about the Expo and coming to have a booth. Find the full post here.
By Kaitie O'Hare
October 13, 2010
Physics Professor Nate Harshman and High School Noura Jaber will demonstrate Chladni plates at the Expo.
Professor Harshman and High School student Noura Jaber experiment with Chlandi plates.
The physics department and audio technology programs are teaming up on October 23-24 to present "The Physics of Music" exhibit on the National Mall, part of the larger…
College of Arts and Sciences from American University Explores the Physics of Music on National Mall
The other day I found myself faced with six equations that needed to be solved algebraically. Just so you know, I am a big fan of paper for most of these cases - but this was out of control. I was making silly mistakes and causing all sorts of problems. What to do? My first though was to use some symbolic plugins for python. I tried sympy and it is nice. However, it was not giving correct solutions for solving 3 equations - I don't know if this is a bug or what.
I think I found Maxima through Wikipedia's Computer algebra system page. It's free and free and runs on Mac OS X and…