Causation versus Correlation

"Low emotional intelligence seems to be a significant risk factor for low orgasmic frequency," say researchers from the King's College in London. They studied over 2000 women to see if there was a link between low orgasm frequency and emotional intelligence ("EQ"). By looking at mental variables, they hoped to find new ways to treat female orgasmic disorder (FOD), which up to 30% of women suffer from. The methodology was very simple: test women's EQs and survey their sexual habits to see how the two relate. The women were volunteer twins drawn from the TwinsUK London registry. The twins were…
A new study by the RAND Corp suggests that watching television with high sexual content increases a teenager's risk of pregnancy. To determine this, they surveyed just over 2000 youths aged 12 to 17 years old via telephone in 2001 again 1 and 3 years later, in 2002 and 2004. They asked them if they'd been pregnant before (or gotten someone pregnant) and how frequently they watched certain television programs which contained high levels of sexual content. First, they compared sexual content exposure and pregnancy directly - but the simple association between sexual content exposure and…