circus of the spineless

tags: Circus of the Spineless, invertebrates, insects, arachnids, plants, algae, blog carnival Welcome to Circus of the Spineless! This is the migratory blog carnival that specializes in all things spineless, and the contributions that you'll find here range from essays and photoessays, to photographs with some accompanying explanatory text and even a few videos. This blog carnival has seen some scary times in its recent past where it almost went extinct, but thanks to some friends of mine who are much more expert in spineless things, it was revived after I made a bunch of noise about…
I have been making a lot of noise about science-y blog carnivals that were experiencing extinction events, but through our efforts, my wonderful colleague and friend, Kevin Zelnio, has stepped in to manage the Circus of the Spineless! So let's help Kevin by offering to host this blog carnival and by sending in our blog entries of "the other 95%" of earth's species: those without backbones! (Keep in mind that I am talking about species without backbones, not individual politicians, so please adjust your submissions accordingly).
tags: circus of the spineless, blog carnival I know that at least some of you assume that that the Circus of the Spineless blog carnival is all about politicians, but (sorry to disappoint you), this blog carnival instead focuses on linking to essays about invertebrates. The 26th edition of this blog carnival has a lot of wonderful links and stories about insects and other invertebrates for you to enjoy. And, best of all, they included a submission from me!