Cobb County

The Discovery Institute has responded to the Cobb County ruling with their usual empty rhetoric. "A final ruling in this case will be at least as important, if not more important, than the Dover school district case last year," added Luskin, a co-author of "Traipsing Into Evolution Intelligent Design and the Kitzmiller vs. Dover Decision". "Eventually it's likely that a decision will be handed down from this federal appellate court governing legal decisions in multiple states, whereas the Kitzmiller decision was from a trial court with no legal force outside of the parties in that local case…
The appeals court decision in Selman v Cobb County School District, the evolution textbook sticker case, is in. I've uploaded a PDF of the ruling here. I haven't really had time to read it yet, but basically the court declared a "do over", remanding the case back to the district court: Whether we should reverse or affirm the judgment depends on the evidence that was before the district court, and we cannot tell from the record what that evidence was. Everyone agrees that some evidence presented to the district court has been omitted from the record on appeal, but the attorneys have not been…
Michigan Citizens for Science, along with similar groups in several other states, has filed a brief with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Cobb County disclaimer case. That brief can be found here (pdf format). On behalf of MCFS, I'd like to thank Lynn Hogue, Catherine Ross, Reed Cartwright, Sarah Pallas and everyone else who worked so hard on this brief. I'd also like to thank again Timothy Sandefur for his work on our brief in the trial phase of the case.
The Swift Report has a wicked satire on the Cobb County, Georgia evolution disclaimer stickers and the legal battle over them.
The 11th Circuit Court is set to hear the appeal of the Cobb County evolution disclaimer case soon and the briefs are being filed quickly. The National Center for Science Education is compiling many of those briefs, including the brief that they and People for the American Way filed together last week. Other briefs have been filed by Americans United (along with the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League), the National Association of Science Teachers (along with the National Association of Biology Teachers), the American Jewish Congress, the Clergy and Laity Network (with…