the colbert report

tags: The Evolution of God, atheism, religion, DNA, streaming video This video below the jump is an interview with Robert Wright, the author of the book, The Evolution of God. Amazingly, the author is NOT an atheist! The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Robert Wright Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is the entire Colbert Report form 6 August 2009. This news report covers Yahweh or No Way, and other interesting news reports [21:44]
ScienceBlogger Chris Mooney appeared on The Colbert report yesterday to discuss the Bush Administration's 'war on science.' According to Chris, the scientists won the war on science when President Obama was elected. */ The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Obama's New Science Policy - Chris Mooney Colbert at ChristmasColbert Christmas DVD Green ScreenBill O'Reilly Interview "The Bush Administration was systematically undermining scientific knowledge on a lot of different issues that have a lot of different policy implications," Mooney said in the interview. Colbert, known…
Monday, January 26, ScienceBlogger Chris Mooney will be a guest on The Colbert Report, hosted by the one and only Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. Mooney and Colbert will discuss Bush's "war on science" and how the Obama administration can change the scientific climate in America. Mooney is a contributor to The Intersection where he blogs with Sheril Kirshenbaum. Together, the two have co-authored a book titled "Unscientific America: How Science Illiteracy Threatens Our Future." The book hasn't been released yet, but you just can't get enough of Chris Mooney, you can pre-order the book…