dan meyer
I don't know.
One the one hand, it would seem that teachers (and really I am talking about grade school level and maybe middle school) need to be good an managing students. What should a teacher have to help students? I think the first big question is "what is going to happen in the classroom?" Let me take two extremes:
Lecture-traditional. Basically just your normal lecture.
Something else - for example stuff that high school physics/math/computer science teacher Shawn does.
Although I really don't know the answer, I am going to lean towards - teachers need some content expertise.…
Dan Meyer made this awesome photo. He posted it so that others could look at it and come up with lesson ideas to use with this. There are some very good suggestions in his comments. I wasn't going to analyze this because I didn't want to rob some students of the opportunity, but I can't resist. Also, I doubt the first step a student would use would be to google for the answer. HA! I just caught you, you googling student.
Ok - I will try not to post any data. However, I will post some info on how I analyzed this.
The photo is a composite image from a video clip of a person throwing a…