Numerical calculations are grand. Of course, they are just another form of normal calculations - like I have said before. So, I have mostly used [VPython](http://vpython.org) for my calculations on my posts. But there is a new game in town: [Easy Java Simulations](http://www.um.es/fem/Ejs/). What is the difference between these two? Which is better for students? Which is better for me? What are their strengths? What other questions are there? What other questions are there? **VPython** Let me start with [VPython](httP://vpython.org) since I am more familiar with that. VPython is…
On MythBusters this week, Adam and Jamie tested the bullet-proofness of various objects. The one that sticks in my mind is the ipod. The said there was a report of a solider being shot by an AK-47, but he was saved because the bullet hit his ipod. To test this, Adam shot an AK-47 at an ipod and it went through. Their conclusion was that he was also wearing body armor. I am not sure I like that conclusion. Why would someone report that the ipod saved him if he was also wearing body armor? Maybe they would, but not sure. I was thinking, maybe the bullet went through the ipod because they…