Health Wonk Review

A new Health Wonk Review compiled by Peggy Salvatore is now up at the Healthcare Talent Transformation blog. It's got links and descriptions for a great collection of posts on several healthcare topics, from health information technology and patient-experience reviews to the impact a government shutdown would have on Affordable Care Act implementation. (My post from last week, "Expanding Medicaid can improve birth outcomes," is included.) One of the posts I found especially thought-provoking (and probably wouldn't have seen if not for the HWR link) is Vince Kuraitis's post "Healthcare…
A new Health Wonk Review compiled by David E. Williams is now up at the Health Business Blog. It's got links and descriptions for a great collection of post about healthcare issues in the first presidential debate, efforts to contain US healthcare spending, and other topics (including my recent post on hospital readmissions). One of the featured posts that gets a big "hear, hear!" from me is a suggestion from Louise at Colorado Health Insurance Insider that political debates include non-partisan fact checkers sitting off to the side and holding up "pants on fire" signs when appropriate. She…
A new Health Wonk Review compiled by Jaan Sidorov is now up at Disease Management Care Blog. It's got links and descriptions for a bounty of blog posts on healthcare quality, the Affordable Care Act, Paul Ryan, and other healthcare topics (including a link to my recent post on where Medicaid beneficiaries can get care). One of the featured posts I particularly like (and probably wouldn't have seen if not for the HWR link) is Justin Jones' "A farewell, a remembrance, and a request" at The New Health Dialogue. Jones, who has just started his second year of medical school, reflects on his great-…