hot science
Science Blogs is celebrating the beginning of the new school year with a series of 101-style posts, introducing the basics of a concept. I've got a couple of basics posts I'd like to do, but this one seemed particularly apt to me. I'm a homeschooler, but it isn't only homeschoolers that struggle with the question of how you frame our ecological situation for children in ways that are honest, not too frightening, engaging, and age-appropriate. Because most schools of every type offer a very superficial education in ecology, most parents of kids going to school will need, just as badly as…
Crunchy Chicken , goddess of environmentalism and yours truly have something really, really cool to announce. Actually, no, it is really, really hot - sizzling in fact. Unfortunately, we can't tell you what it is until next week, except that it involves seriously awesome science and extreme hotness.
What we can tell you is that we are planning to donate the profits from our next enterprise to an enviromental charity, but we're having some trouble picking our favorite. So I thought I'd ask you - what environmental charity do you like best? We're taking suggestions!