tags: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Movie Premiere in NYC, interview, celebrity gossip, funny, streaming video
This is a streaming video of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and its premier in NYC. All commercials are removed, so you can sit down and watch this with your coffee uninterrupted. I recommend that you see this film, if you haven't done so already. This film is so good that I am already planning to watch it again on the big screen [32:24]
tags: Finland, Harry Potter films, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, HP6, film, trailer, streaming video, photographs
[0300 Helsinki time, after the film ended] The entrance to the theatre showing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP6) in Helsinki, Finland at 6 minutes after midnight. [Harry Potter ja Puoliverinen Prinssi]. There are three theatres at Finnkino showing the film this night.
The doors open and we get ready to enter the theatre!
Yeowza! The movie screen is the largest I've ever seen -- 184.8 square metres (8.8 x 21 m -- or 29 x 69 ft) -- and this particular…