jumping the shark

I propose that there are four five categories of TV series distinguished on the basis of how long they run and the quality, or lack thereof, of the show more or less objectively defined (to the extent that one can do that). 1: Shows that jumped the shark These are shows that become redundant, lose their writing quality, or for some other reason reach a point where they get bad. That point is, of course, the "Jumping-the-Shark" moment. The phrase "Jump the shark" of course comes from an episode of Happy Days when Fonzie, water skiing, jumps over a shark. That was apparently a bad episode…
As I was about to write up the latest smoggy stuff, I thought I'd better check out Eli in case he had written it up first. And lo, I thought, Condolences referred to the death of Christy's scientific reputation. But no, it is about real death. So I need to press on. [[John Christy]] has been a bit of a skeptic for ages. Quite where he gets it from is unclear - perhaps because he and Spencer did the first version of the [[satellite temperature record]] and, well, they got it wrong. In that it showed cooling, and so they became the poster boys for the real septics like Singer and Michaels and…