jumping spider

tags: Phidippus putnami, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video This remarkable video is of (probably) a sub-adult female Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider .. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Paraphidippus aurantius, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video After taking the video of an adult male Paraphidippus aurantius eating a cricket and waving his arms threateningly at the videographer's finger, both the male and an adult female P. aurantius were released on a nearby plant. As stated in the video, the videographer did not intentionally cause the female to kill the male. The videographer says, "I was actually a little concerned that the female might try to get him, so I put them about three or four feet apart and went back inside for a little bit to…
tags: Tutelina species, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video Here is some video (and stabilized from some really shakey footage using Deshaker, a plugin for Virtualdub) of male and female jumping spiders from the genus Tutelina. Not sure on the species, but the videographer's best guess is Tutelina elegans. The female could be mimicking the antennae movements of an ant. The music was recorded by the videographer. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Phidippus princeps, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video A nice little Phidippus princeps "chewing" on her (his?) feet, cleaning her eyes, and her fangs. Lots of fun palp movement, and a few glimpses of fang. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Phidippus audax, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video A macro video of a very large (15mm or so) adult female Phidippus audax jumping spider that the videographer found in a light fixture. Set to a recording he made in December with a vintage Japanese Alvarez classical acoustic and a Kay Swingmaster hollowbody electric. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Phidippus apacheanus, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video There's a chance he could be a male Phidippus cardinalis -- a bit of research reveals both P. apacheanus and P. cardinalis are found in this area of Oklahoma. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Phidippus mystaceus, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video This macro video of an adult male Phidippus mystaceus Jumping Spider is really interesting. He does have an inordinate fondness for jumping onto the camera lens, though! Jumping spiders are my favorite types, although they do awaken my inner phobia at times. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
The animal world is full of harmless liars, who mimic species more dangerous than themselves in order to avoid the attention of predators. But none do it quite like the dark-footed ant-spider Myrmarachne melanotarsa. As its name suggests, this small species of jumping spider, discovered just nine years ago, impersonates ants. In itself, that's nothing special - ants are so aggressive that many predators give them a wide berth and lots of species do well by imitating them. The list includes over 100 spiders but among them, M.melanotarsa's impression is unusually strong. It doesn't just mimic…
Jumping spiders have exceptional vision and therefore, their courtship displays have a highly visual component. This nifty video shows a male jumping spider doing its equivalent of the Booty Drop. Make sure to have your volume on. For more MTV Grind worthy jumping spider action, check out the Tree of Life Web Project.