I've been a big fan of David Bowie ever since high school. True, I didn't appreciate his less mainstream stuff as intensely as I do now until I had been in college a couple of years, but it's not an inaccurate to characterize the effect of David Bowie's art on my life as significant. Basically, I own pretty much everything he ever committed to CD or vinyl and have seen him in concert every time he's toured, starting with his Serious Moonlight Tour in 1983 and ending with his appearance at Madison Square Garden during his Reality Tour in December 2003. I saw him with Trent Reznor in 1995, and…
liver cancer
I just came across a neat blog called "CURIOUS Young Writers" from the New Jersey Assocation for Biomedical Research. The blog features articles written by high school students on how animals are helping scientists answer biomedical research questions. I found the article on how rainbow trout are being used as a model to study liver cancer really interesting! To find out more, click here.