
I warned Jon, I did. D00d, that thread is for MOCKING MANSPLAINERS. Now, here I will repost Jon's mis-directed comment. Zuskateers, you may feel free to read (warning: contains mansplaing) or skip right over to the comment thread and post your own examples of Men Who Cannot Follow Clear Directions From Women. SKM, I used the word "system," for a reason. I'm not opposed to the idea that there's a particular kind of gendered condescension on the part of males in response to females. The problem I have is the way it's being discussed, in the sense that there are a number of conceptual…
Mansplaining. We've all had to endure it, on the internets or IRL, so frequently we are often overwhelmed with the desire to hork up serious chunks on the mansplainer's shoes. And yet, you can't always do that. Maybe the mansplainer is your boss. Maybe he's mansplaining on your blog or your Facebook page, and you just can't get at his shoes. What to do? First, some clarification. Just what is mansplaining? I like this definition. Mansplaining isn't just the act of explaining while male, of course; many men manage to explain things every day without in the least insulting their…